Adhiroha,” namely the supreme tranquil, supreme truth, supreme consciousness, supreme light, exists within us in the form of Lord Shiva, who is stable, in a state of deep meditation, eternal, timeless, indivisible, and the primal yogi, the original being.
The practitioner… a yogi, through yoga and meditation, guides that supreme consciousness, supreme energy, from its source upwards. This is what “Adhirohan” is – constantly merging with the healthy Adhiroha, resonating with the unstruck sound, and enjoying the bliss of the nectar drops dripping from the amrit kund while listening to that sound.
In essence, Adhiroha is about the pursuit of spiritual awakening and the connection to the divine, particularly through the practice of yoga and meditation, with Lord Shiva being the symbol of that ultimate consciousness and truth. It emphasizes the journey of aligning oneself with the eternal, indivisible, and blissful essence that resides within.

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“अधिरोहा” अर्थात् शिव का वह परमशान्त, परमसत्य, परमचैतन्य, परमज्योति स्वरूप जो अपने स्थिर, समाधिस्थ, सनातन, शाश्वत, एकरस, अखण्ड आदियोगी आदिपुरुष स्वरूप से हमारे भीतर स्थित हैं।
… साधक योगी, योग समाधि द्वारा उस परम चेतना, परम ऊर्जा को मूल से ऊर्ध्व की ओर ले चलते हैं यही “अधिरोहण” है, जो स्वस्थित अधिरोहा से मिलने को निरन्तर एकरस शिवमय रह अपने भीतर बजते उस अनहत नाद को सुनते हुए अमृत कुंड से टपकते अमृत की बूंदों का आनन्द लेकर रहते हैं। – मनीष कपूर


“अधिरोहा” अर्थात् शिव का वह परमशान्त, परमसत्य, परमचैतन्य, परमज्योति स्वरूप जो अपने स्थिर, समाधिस्थ, सनातन, शाश्वत, एकरस, अखण्ड आदियोगी आदिपुरुष स्वरूप से हमारे भीतर स्थित हैं।
… साधक योगी, योग समाधि द्वारा उस परम चेतना, परम ऊर्जा को मूल से ऊर्ध्व की ओर ले चलते हैं यही “अधिरोहण” है, जो स्वस्थित अधिरोहा से मिलने को निरन्तर एकरस शिवमय रह अपने भीतर बजते उस अनहत नाद को सुनते हुए अमृत कुंड से टपकते अमृत की बूंदों का आनन्द लेकर रहते हैं। – मनीष कपूर
Our certified instructors are passionate about guiding you on your yoga journey, whether you’re a novice or an experienced practitioner.
Explore a wide range of yoga styles, from Ashtanga to Kundalini, tailored to all levels and preferences
Beyond postures, we delve into pranayama, meditation, and mindfulness to nurture your complete well-being
Join a warm and supportive community of like-minded individuals who share your enthusiasm for yoga and self-improvement
We’re dedicated to traditional values like respect, ethics, and harmony. Our holistic approach blends physical activity and precise resistance training to enhance fitness and build inner strength. We emphasize discipline and focus, teaching you to stay on course even when challenges arise.
Our practice cultivates mental endurance and resilience, empowering you to overcome obstacles and never give up on your journey.
Asanas, the physical postures of yoga, activate and enhance the flexibility of your body. The dynamic blend of action and relaxation leads to a calm and composed mind. Yoga places great emphasis on staying present in the moment, fostering inner peace and balance for both the mind and body. This unique science of self-awareness, coupled with moderation, distinguishes yoga from other forms of exercise, making it a vital addition to your daily routine.
A unique fusion of Yoga and Karate is taught by Master himself that transforms, especially the child to become;

Ancient Yoga

Modern Yoga

7:00 - 8:00pm

Hatha Yoga

Town Hall 2, Jackson, MS

8:00 - 9:00pm

Kundalini Yoga

Town Hall 1, Jackson, MS

9:00 - 10:00pm

Aroma Yoga

Town Hall 2, Jackson, MS

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Client Testimonials

Adhiroha Yog Sanskriti has been a game-changer in my life. The personalized training, nurturing environment, and expert guidance have taken my yoga practice to new heights. I've not only improved my physical strength but also found inner peace. Highly recommended!
Sarah R.
The 'Rise & Shine' morning class is my daily dose of positivity. It sets the perfect tone for my day, helping me stay focused and energized. The instructors are exceptional, and the community here is so welcoming
Michael T.
I joined the 'Bend & Stretch' class to improve flexibility, and the results have been remarkable. The supportive atmosphere and attentive instructors make every session enjoyable. I've never felt better, both physically and mentally.
Jessica M.
Vinyasa for Vitality is exactly what I needed. It's a dynamic and invigorating practice that leaves me feeling rejuvenated. Adhiroha Yog Sanskriti offers top-notch yoga experiences. I'm grateful for the positive impact it's had on my life
David L.

Adhiroha "YogKata" represents a transformative practice that seamlessly merges the ancient wisdom of yoga, the art of Pranayama, the serenity of meditation, and the discipline of Martial Art Karate. This unique fusion offers a holistic journey towards physical vitality, mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual awakening.

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